# Regular Expression


regex or regexp
A regular expression is a group of characters or symbols which is used to find a specific pattern in a text

# The Basic

  • left to right
  • case-sensitive
  • Demo
    • for john_doe,jo-hn_doe
    • BUT It does not match Jo ( uppercase, too short) image
  • Basic Matchers

"the" => The fat cat sat on the mat
"The" => The fat cat sat on the mat
".ar" => The car parked in the garage

# Meta Characters

  • building blocks of regular expressions
  • written inside brackets image
Meta character Description
. Period matches any single character except a line break (换行符)
[ ] Character class. Matches any character contained between the square brackets
[^ ] Negated character class. Matches any character that is not contained between the square brackets
* Matches 0 or more repetitions of the preceding symbol
+ Matches 1 or more repetitions of the preceding symbol
? Makes the preceding symbol optional
{n,m} Braces. Matches at least "n" but not more than "m" repetitions of the preceding symbol
(xyz) Character group. Matches the characters xyz in that exact order
| Alternation. Matches either the characters before or the characters after the symbol
\ Escapes (转义) the next character. This allows you to match reserved characters [ ] ( ) { } . * + ? ^ $ \ |
^ Matches the beginning of the input
$ Matches the end of the input
Last Updated: 2022/1/11 上午10:43:25